Loading a CSV file in D3 with Promises. Also load CSV, JSON, DSV, and TSV files in D3.

More about D3 and Incompatible Versions.

D3 version 5 uses a feature called Promises. Use this syntax:

d3.csv("file.csv").then(function(dataset) {

The console shows this:

Promise {<pending>}

(4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, columns: Array(2)]
    0: {year: "1950", population: "5"}
    1: {year: "1951", population: "10"}
    2: {year: "1955", population: "15"}
    3: {year: "1959", population: "20"}
    columns: (2) ["year", "population"]
    length: 4
    __proto__: Array(0)

Or use this syntax, it shows the same console output:

var mydata = d3.csv("file.csv")

mydata.then(function(dataset) {

Or you can load multiple datasets in D3 and Promises like this:

var data1 = d3.csv("file1.csv")
var data2 = d3.csv("file2.csv")

Promise.all([data1, data2]).then(someFunction)

function someFunction(values) {

More about D3 Promises in the Observable blog and this blog post.

Loading data with CSV, DSV, TSV or JSON

There are a few methods to load data in D3:

  • d3.dsv this means delimiter separated values
  • d3.csv
  • d3.tsv
  • d3.json

You can use d3.dsv like this and explicitly define the separator:

d3.dsv(",", "file.csv").then(function(dataset) {

Console shows:

Promise {<pending>}

(4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, columns: Array(2)]
    0: {year: "1950", population: "5"}
    1: {year: "1951", population: "10"}
    2: {year: "1955", population: "15"}
    3: {year: "1959", population: "20"}
    columns: (2) ["year", "population"]
    length: 4
    __proto__: Array(0)

Or use d3.csv as I have shown before:

d3.csv("file.csv").then(function(dataset) {

Or use d3.json like this. Let’s create a data.json and add this:

    "year": 1950,
    "population": 5
    "year": 1951,
    "population": 10
    "year": 1955,
    "population": 15
    "year": 1959,
    "population": 20

Then load the data:

d3.json("data.json").then(function(dataset) {

Console shows the same output:

Promise {<pending>}

(4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
    0: {year: 1950, population: 5}
    1: {year: 1951, population: 10}
    2: {year: 1955, population: 15}
    3: {year: 1959, population: 20}
    length: 4
    __proto__: Array(0)

Next: D3 Creating a Bar Chart