Different versions of D3 don’t play along well. If you are following a book or tutorials, make sure to check which version of D3 is used or some things won’t work as expected.

Here is an example of loading a CSV file.

D3 and Incompatible Versions/Syntax

Loading a CSV file in D3 changes with different versions of D3 and this incompatibility is very confusing.

As shown in this blog post about promises syntax. There are differences in D3 loading a CSV in D3.v4 and D3.v5.

For D3.v4 you can use this syntax:

d3.csv("file.csv", function(data) {

Create these files as shown in Setup D3 Step by Step:

  • index.html
  • main.css
  • project.js

Create a CSV file called file.csv that has year and population as shown:


The index.html is using this source https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js.

Add this code to project.js:

d3.csv("file.csv", function(data) {

Reload the browser and look at the console:

Navigated to
project.js:2 {year: "1950", population: "5"}
project.js:2 {year: "1951", population: "10"}
project.js:2 {year: "1955", population: "15"}
project.js:2 {year: "1959", population: "20"}

This works so far and we are using the source for D3.v5 instead of v4.

Clear the console with Ctrl + L or type clear() (this won’t clear if you set Preserve log).

This syntax from D3 v4 won’t work on v5 as shown on D3 API docs. Actually this documentation is pretty confusing as it doesn’t specify which D3 version is used in the examples:

d3.csv("file.csv", function(data) {

}).then(function(data) {

The data is not loaded and the console shows this:

Navigated to
[columns: Array(2)]
 columns: Array(2)
     0: "year"
     1: "population"
     length: 2
     __proto__: Array(0)

This doesn’t work either:

var mydata = d3.csv("file.csv", function(data) {

First it returns undefined. Then calling the variable:


Shows this:

Promise {<resolved>: Array(0)}
__proto__: Promise
[[PromiseStatus]]: "resolved"
[[PromiseValue]]: Array(0)
columns: (2) ["year", "population"]
length: 0
__proto__: Array(0)

Make sure to check which version of D3 is used since errors will drive you crazy. More about promises in D3 Load a CSV file with Promises