This is a step by step tutorial to build a Github Pages site with Jekyll. Github Pages are freely hosted on Github and you can use Jekyll, a static website generator to customize your Github Pages site.


  • Install Ruby
  • Jekyll and Github Pages
  • Customizing the theme
  • Using SEO
  • Creating blog posts
  • Github Pages custom domain
  • Change your DNS name server
  • Deploying custom plugins
  • Google Analytics
  • Pagination
  • Jekyll without Plugins
  • Reading Time
  • Search Box
  • Text Expand/Collapse
  • Open external site in new window

Install Ruby

Install RVM as seen here

$ gpg2 --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable

If you are on Linux/Gnome. As seen here. Go to the Terminal preferences and find a checkbox that says Run command as a login shell. This must be checked.

Close the terminal and open it again.

$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ type rvm | head -n 1

This should say rvm is a function

Restart the shell and Install Ruby. Check the current stable version in the official Ruby docs. Below version is outdated, but leaving it as an example.

$ rvm install 2.7.1
$ rvm use 2.7.1 --default

Create a gemset for the blog

$ rvm use 2.7.1@blog --create

List gemsets with:

$ rvm gemset list

Switch gemsets with:

$ rvm gemset use name-of-gemset

Install Jekyll

Setup Jekyll:

$ gem install bundler jekyll

Go to the root directory where you want to install. Then create a new jekyll blog.

$ jekyll new blog
$ cd blog

This creates the following:


Run the blog:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Open http://localhost:4000 and Ctrl+C to stop

Jekyll and Markdown

Jekyll uses Kramdown. Github Pages uses a customized CommonMark markdown.

Jekyll and Github Pages

Look at Github pages dependency versions

Modify the Gemfile to use dependency versions supported.

$ bundle update
$ bundle install


Bundle complete! 6 Gemfile dependencies, 85 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Test again:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

More about Github Pages

Official docs here.

A few important details:

  • There are three types of sites: project, user, and organization.
  • The default publishing source for project sites is the root of the gh-pages branch. For user/org sites the default source might be master. Review below a section on setting up a user site with custom plugins with the gh-pages branch.
  • The site cannot be larger than 1GB.
  • Bandwidth limit of 100GB per month.

Troubleshooting dependency errors

When testing the site. For jekyll-3.8.5 it says warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated.

  • Also for pathutil-0.16.2 it says the same.
  • More here
  • And here

Edit the Gemfile and comment this line again gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins. Then add this one:

gem 'jekyll', github: 'jekyll/jekyll'

If you have plugins update them to this:

group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'jekyll-feed', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-feed'
    gem 'jekyll-sitemap', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-sitemap'
    gem 'jekyll-paginate', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-paginate'
    gem 'jekyll-seo-tag', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag'
    gem 'jekyll-redirect-from', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from'

My Gemfile currently looks like this:

source ""

gem 'jekyll', github: 'jekyll/jekyll'

gem "minima", "~> 2.5"

group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'jekyll-feed', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-feed'
    gem 'jekyll-sitemap', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-sitemap'
    gem 'jekyll-paginate', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-paginate'
    gem 'jekyll-seo-tag', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag'
    gem 'jekyll-redirect-from', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from'

Then run bundle install

Using a theme and edit _config.yml

The default theme is minima. The docs have good details on how to set it up.

It has instructions on how to set your _config.yml

Here is a template:
	title: Name and Title of My Blog
	description: >-
	  Some awesome description here
	baseurl: ""
	url: ""
	twitter_username: mytwitter
	github_username:  mygithub
	permalink: /:title/

	# Build settings
	theme: minima
	  skin: solarized


	    shortname: mydisqus_shortname

	  name: My Name

	show_excerpts: true

	    twitter: mytwitter
	    github: mygithub
	    linkedin: mylinkedin_shortname

	google_analytics: myGAcode

	  - jekyll-feed
	  - jekyll-feed
	  - jekyll-sitemap
	  - jekyll-paginate
	  - jekyll-seo-tag
	  - jekyll-redirect-from

	  - .sass-cache/
	  - .jekyll-cache/
	  - gemfiles/
	  - Gemfile

Customizing the theme ‘minima’

The default theme is installed as a gem and you won’t see the source files in your blog directory. To find the source files run this:

$ bundle info minima

My output was this:

* minima (2.5.1)
Summary: A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
Path: /home/tom/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1@blog/gems/minima-2.5.1

If you open this path, the README file shows where files are located:

  • The _layouts directory define the markup for your theme.
  • The _includes directory has snippets of code that can be inserted in layouts.
  • The _sass directory define the theme’s styles.
  • The assets directory contains the main.scss.

The main.scss imports sass files from the _sass directory. It gets processed into the theme’s main stylesheet main.css called by _layouts/default.html via _includes/head.html.

To override the default structure and style, create the specific directory at the root of the blog, copy the file to that directory, and then edit the file.

For example:

  • To override the _includes/head.html.
  • Create an _includes directory in the root of your blog.
  • Copy _includes/head.html from minima gem folder to this directory.
  • Edit that file.

Updating the default CSS

  • Go to the gem path.
  • Copy the assets/ folder to your blog root.
  • Edit the /assets/main.scss file.

Using SEO

The minima theme comes with the plugin jekyll-seo-tag which is approved by Github Pages.

Follow the usage docs and advanced usage.

You can use the following in your post/page YAML header:

  • title
  • description

Using the sitemap

This plugin jekyll-sitemap generates a sitemap as You can submit this sitemap.xml in your Google Search Console.

Using a different theme

I tried a theme that looked like Medium

Instead of installing Jekyll as shown above, do the following:

$ git clone blog
$ cd blog
$ bundle
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

I liked it for a while but it had some weird bugs. I spent many hours trying to fix them but then I gave up and switched back to the default minima theme.

Creating an about page

In your root blog create edit the default about and modify it as

layout: page
title: "About"
permalink: "/about.html"
comments: false

Creating blog posts

These go in the _posts folder. I got a template that I follow for each new blog post:

layout: post
title: "Title in Double Quotes"
author: tom
categories: [A category]
tags: [some tags here]

You can define other variables in the header of pages/posts. This header is called YAML front matter block. It must be on the top of the file and in between triple dash lines.

As seen on Front Matter docs you can set other variables like these:

  • published: Set to false if you want to hide a post
  • date: To override the date from the name of the post

Disqus comments

Assuming that you already have a Disqus account and added your site there. Copy the Shortname for your site. More about shortnames in the disqus official docs here

Go to your site’s _config.yml and add your shortname in this section:

    shortname: your_shortname_here

When creating a blog post add the variable comments and set to true. Previous example should show this:

layout: post
title: "Title in Double Quotes"
author: tom
categories: [A category]
tags: [some tags here]
comments: true

Comments can be disabled by not including this variable. More details in the Disqus docs here

Creating redirects

Add this to the Gemfile in the plugins block:

gem 'jekyll-redirect-from', github: 'jekyll/jekyll-redirect-from'

Then run bundle install.

As seen in the docs here

Add it to the _config.yml under plugins

- jekyll-redirect-from

My problem was that for my previous website, the blog posts had this format:


This new website removes the .html and a lot of blog posts crawled by google are being sent to a 404 File not found page.

I want to redirect blog_post_name.html to blog_post_name/

In the blog post the header should show something like this:

title: "Blog Post Name"
  - /blog_post_name.html

404 page

More about 404 pages here

You can create a file if you add this:

layout: page
title: "Not Found"
permalink: "/404.html"
comments: false
  - /index2.html

Use the redirect_from: to redirect bad URLs from Google search results. Or use the same approach for blog posts. You can also try to fix them in your Google Search Console.

Add a Favicon

Based on your theme, it should allow you to add a Favicon on the _config.yml. Otherwise you would need to add it directly to the head.html.

For the minima theme, the docs say that you can add an _includes/custom-head.html to your root folder and add your code for the favicon files. However, this didn’t work for me as shown on 2.5.1 can’t include custom-head.html.

I added the favicon code directly to head.html.

Setup Github

Go to Github:

  • Create a new repo with the format

Setup the repo:

$ git init
$ git remote add origin link-to-repo

CNAME, robots.txt

If you have a custom domain, create a CNAME file, add a line with your website, and save it to your local blog root directory:

Create a robots.txt and add this line to the file:

User-agent: *

You can also use Disallow for bad URLs.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /bad.html
Allow: /

Deploy to Github

If you want to cache your credentials

$ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

There are two way to build your blog, development and production.

Build in development and test in localhost:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Build in development uses _config.yml:

$ jekyll build

Build to production using an environment variable:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build

If you prefer to use a separate deploy configuration you can add a _config-deploy.yml to your blog root.

$ cp _config.yml _config-deploy.yml

Add this line to _config-deploy.yml:

environment: production

Build the blog like this:

$ jekyll build --config _config-deploy.yml

Then deploy:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Awesome commit message here"
$ git push -u origin master

You can also build to production using a gem called jgd as explained below in Deploying custom plugins.

Change your DNS name server

Setup an account with Cloudflare if you don’t have one. Find the DNS name server

In your DNS provider point it to Cloudflare.

Cloudflare settings

Create these records in Cloudflare:

Type    Name               Content

Add A records as seen on Setting up an Apex domain

Add TXT record to verify Google webmaster tools:

  • Add property
  • Add TXT google verification code

Setup these Page rules. As seen here*
Cache Level: Cache Everything*
Forwarding URL: (Status Code: 301 - Permanent Redirect, URl:$1)*
Always Use HTTPS

In your Overview dashboard set these (if you are on the free plan)

  • Security level: medium
  • SSL: Full
  • Caching level: Standard

Migrating content

Here is where I was challenged.

With the Pelican Python static website generator the files were named as With Jekyll they need to be in the format

For Pelican the header looks like this:

Title: Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor"
Date: 2020-02-09 20:00
Category: Jekyll, tutorial
Tags: featured
Slug: powerful-things
Author: Tom Ordonez
Status: published
Summary: A blog post about Markdown editor.

For Jekyll it needs to look like this:

layout: post
title:  "Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor"
author: tom
categories: [ Jekyll, tutorial ]
image: assets/images/11.jpg
tags: [featured]

How to make this change to about 100 blog posts?

I needed to extract the Date from the header and use it to rename the file. Then extract other content like the Title, Category, and Tags. Then replace this header with the new header.

Also the blog posts used this syntax to insert images in the content {static}/images/ while Jekyll uses:

{ {site.baseurl} }/assets/images/

Read more in Python, Files, and OS Module

Deploying custom plugins

As shown on the Github Pages docs. Github Pages cannot build sites using unsupported plugins.

Here is the list of approved plugins. Go to dependency versions.

As shown in this blog post Deploy Jekyll to Github Pages. You can use a gem to setup deployment of Jekyll when you are using custom plugins.

Update your Gemfile:

gem 'jgd'

Run bundle

$ bundle


Fetching trollop 2.9.9
Installing trollop 2.9.9
Fetching jgd 1.12
Installing jgd 1.12

Post-install message from trollop:
!    The 'trollop' gem has been deprecated and has been replaced by 'optimist'.
!    See:
!    And:

More about trollop in the official doc and this tutorial: writing a Ruby CLI using Trollop.

To deploy use this:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jgd

Change the source of your Github Pages

  • Go to your Github repo
  • Settings
  • Options
  • Scroll down to Github Pages
  • Source
  • Change your branch from master to gh-pages.
  • Save

Then deploy again:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jgd
Some of the output:
	[DEPRECATION] This gem has been renamed to optimist 
	and will no longer be supported. Please switch to optimist 
	as soon as possible.
	+ set -e
	+ set -o pipefail
	+ URL=
	+ BRANCH=gh-pages
	+ BRANCH_FROM=master
	+ DEPLOY_CONFIG=_config-deploy.yml
	++ pwd
	+ SRC=/home/.../blog
	++ mktemp -d -t jgd-XXX
	+ TEMP=/tmp/jgd-NAn
	+ trap 'rm -rf /tmp/jgd-NAn' EXIT
	+ CLONE=/tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ COPY=/tmp/jgd-NAn/copy
	+ echo -e 'Cloning Github repository:'
	Cloning Github repository:
	+ git clone -b master /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	Cloning into '/tmp/jgd-NAn/clone'...
	remote: Enumerating objects: 3025, done.   
	remote: Counting objects: 100% (3025/3025), done.                                     
	remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1920/1920), done.                                  
	remote: Total 3025 (delta 1272), 
	  reused 2692 (delta 954), pack-reused 0               
	Receiving objects: 100% (3025/3025), 31.22 MiB 
	  | 13.20 MiB/s, done.
	Resolving deltas: 100% (1272/1272), done.
	+ cp -R /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone /tmp/jgd-NAn/copy
	+ cd /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ echo -e '\nBuilding Jekyll site:'
	Building Jekyll site:
	+ rm -rf _site
	+ '[' -r _config-deploy.yml ']'
	+ jekyll build
	Configuration file: /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone/_config.yml
	            Source: /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	       Destination: /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone/_site
	 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
	       Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
	                    done in 1.67 seconds.
	 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
	+ '[' '!' -e _site ']'
	+ cp -R _site /tmp/jgd-NAn
	+ cd /tmp/jgd-NAn
	+ rm -rf /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ mv /tmp/jgd-NAn/copy /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ cd /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ echo -e '\nPreparing gh-pages branch:'

	Preparing gh-pages branch:
	++ git branch -a
	++ grep origin/gh-pages
	+ '[' -z '' ']'
	+ git checkout --orphan gh-pages
	Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
	+ echo -e '\nDeploying into gh-pages branch:'

	Deploying into gh-pages branch:
	+ rm -rf assets CNAME _config.yml Gemfile 
	  Gemfile.lock _includes index.markdown _layouts _posts
	+ cp -R /tmp/jgd-NAn/_site/404.html /tmp/jgd-NAn/_site/about.html
	+ rm -f
	+ git add .
	++ date
	+ git commit -am 'new version Thu 08 Oct 2020 
	  12:10:05 AM EDT' --allow-empty
	[gh-pages (root-commit) a36ecd2] new version 
	  Thu 08 Oct 2020 12:10:05 AM EDT
	 819 files changed, 61268 insertions(+)
	 create mode 100644 .github/FUNDING.yml
	 create mode 100644 .gitignore
	 create mode 100644 .jekyll-cache/Jekyll/Cache/Jekyll--Cache/b7

    + git push origin gh-pages
	+ sed 's||[skipped]|g'
	remote: Create a pull request for 'gh-pages' on GitHub by visiting:        
	To [skipped]
	 * [new branch]      gh-pages -> gh-pages
	+ echo -e '\nCleaning up:'

	Cleaning up:
	+ rm -rf /tmp/jgd-NAn/clone
	+ rm -rf ''
	+ rm -rf /tmp/jgd-NAn

This is a custom Jekyll plugin. Documentation here.

Update your Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-tagging-related_posts'

Run bundle

$ bundle


Fetching nuggets 1.6.0
Installing nuggets 1.6.0
Fetching jekyll-tagging 1.1.0
Installing jekyll-tagging 1.1.0
Fetching jekyll-tagging-related_posts 1.1.0 
Installing jekyll-tagging-related_posts 1.1.0

Post-install message from nuggets:

nuggets-1.6.0 [2018-07-12]:

* Added <tt>JSON.*_{multi,canonical}</tt>.

Post-install message from jekyll-tagging:

jekyll-tagging-1.1.0 [2017-03-07]:

* Added ability to append extra data to all tag pages. (tfe)
* Provides compatibility to the current jekyll (3.4.1).
* A few fixes. (felipe)
* Some documentation improvements. (wsmoak, jonathanpberger)
* Prooves who is the worst open source maintainer. (pattex ^__^)

Update _config.yml and _config-deploy.yml:

  - jekyll/tagging
  - jekyll-tagging-related_posts

Create a _layouts directory in blog root:

$ mkdir _layouts

Copy the post.html layout from the minima theme Gem to this new directory.

$ cp /home/tom/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1@blog/gems/minima-2.5.1/_layouts/post.html _layouts/

Add this code to post.html after the blog post content and before disqus code.

{% if site.related_posts.size >= 1 %}
  <h3>Related Posts</h3>
  {% for related_post in site.related_posts limit: 5 %}
    <li><a href="{{ related_post.url }}">{{ related_post.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Google Analytics

The default theme minima comes with this line in the _config.yml file:

google_analytics: UA-XXXXXX

Enter your Google Analytics code there.

For reference, this is inserted into _includes/head.html.

{%- if jekyll.environment == 'production' and site.google_analytics -%}
	{%- include google-analytics.html -%}
{%- endif -%}

Therefore the blog needs to be deployed either using the production environment variable or a different deploy config file as previously shown.

Using the environment variable:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build

If you are using the gem jgd then deploy like this

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jgd


Jekyll comes with a default plugin jekyll-paginate that you can set by adding the line paginate: 5 to _config.yml. This is the Jekyll doc.

Go to _config.yml and make sure this line is under plugins:

  - jekyll-paginate

Then add another line (outside of plugins):

paginate: 5

If your theme’s index is index.markdown, change it to index.html or you will get this error:

Pagination: Pagination is enabled, but I couldn't find an index.html
page to use as the pagination template. Skipping pagination.

Update your _layouts/home.html. Change this line, from this:

for post in site.posts

To this:

for post in paginator.posts

For pagination links, add the code as shown on Jekyll’s Render the paginated posts. Before the closing endif of if site.posts.size > 0.

You can center the CSS of pagination in assets/main.scss:

.pagination {
	display: flex;
.previous, a.previous {
	flex: 1;
.page_number {
	flex: 1;
next, {
	flex: 1;

Jekyll without Plugins

An alternative option to using custom plugins restricted by Jekyll is by not using plugins at all.

Here is a list of features to use Jekyll without plugins.

Reading Time

Similar to Medium you can show the time it will take to read the blog post.

Here is the documentation to reading time

Create the file reading-time.html in your _includes and add the code shown on the doc.

Go to your _layouts/post.html and include the reading-time.html line within the header tag, before the closing paragraph. You can test to see if it shows correctly on your blog post such as Aug 29, 2020 • tom • 3 min read.

Deploy the source to master:

$ jekyll build
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Added reading time"
$ git push -u origin master

If you installed the jgd gem, then deploy static pages to the gh-pages branch:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production jgd

Here is the documentation to Search with Lunr.js

Save the file search-lunr.html in _includes. In this file, you can exclude the types of documents to search. For example:

if page.url contains '.xml' or page.url contains 'assets' or page.url contains '.json' or page.url contains 'about.html'

Download the file lunr.js into your js folder, then make sure that search-lunr.html indicates the correct location of the file. For example:


I copied the default.html layout file from my Gem location to the _layouts directory:

cp /home/tom/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1@blog/gems/minima-2.5.1/_layouts/default.html _layouts/

Inside the default.html layout page, include the search-lunr.html as indicated in the docs inside curly percentage brackets. Add this in the main class, before the content tag.

include search-lunr.html

Customize the CSS for the search box. At the bottom of search-lunr.html there is code with the form. You can wrap this in a class:

<div class="search">
    <form onSubmit="return lunr_search(document.getElementById('lunrsearch').value);">
        <p><input type="text" class="form-control" id="lunrsearch" name="q" maxlength="255" value="" placeholder="Search" /></p>

Then in assets/main.scss you can try something like this:

.search input {
    height: 30px;
    width: 60%;
    padding-left: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #D9D9D9;
    border-radius: 10px;
    font-size: 16px;

Text Expand/Collapse or Collapbsible Markdown

I often add whole output to every command I use. This can take a large space in a blog post and might disrupt reading focus.

There are three options for hiding/display text that can be expanded, also known by these keywords: text expand, expand/collapse, collapsible markdown, details element.

Use whatever works best.

Text Expand

This is a JS that might need some tweaking. When you click on read more it expands the section but it scrolls back to the top.

This is the doc for Jekyll Text Expand.

Download the file text-expand.html into the _includes directory. Then edit the _layouts/default.html and add this before the closing body tag:

{% include text-expand.html %}

Then you can use the expand tag in a blog post by adding only one line for each of the open/closing tag such as:

Long content here
and here

Collapbsible Markdown with Details element

This uses the details disclosure element: details. More details in the Mozilla details element doc.

You have to wrap your content like this:

	<summary>Click to expand</summary>
	Long content here
	and here

To add a code block, you need to have a previous empty line, enclose the code block with three tildes ~~~, optionally you can add the language at the end of the first enclosing tildes:

	<summary>Click to expand</summary>
	~~~ python
	Code here

However, you can encounter this issue Details is not formatted correctly in Jekyll/Github pages. You can enclose the content with the <pre> tag.

I am using this for my long content output:

	<summary>Click to expand</summary>
	Long content here


Here is an example:

Click to expand
	Long content here

I also customized the CSS:

details {
	padding-bottom: 20px;
	color: grey;

The text in details not processed correctly

I haven’t tested this. This blog post shows adding support for HTML5 details element to Jekyll. It uses a custom plugin.

Add the ruby code into _plugins/details_tag.rb.

Then use like this:

{% details Click to expand %}

	~~~ python
	Code here
{% enddetails %}

More troubleshooting in using details in Github and collapsible markdown.

Open external site in new window

By default linking to external sites open in the same window using this syntax:

[External Title](link to external site)

Jekyll uses kramdown and you can link like this:

[External Title](link to external site){:target="_blank"}

What I find annoying about this, is that it adds a weird highlighted row in SublimeText. I also think it’s a weird syntax to remember.

An alternative option is this JS called new window fix

Download the code into _includes/new-window-fix.html and remove the PDF section if you don’t need it.

Add this to your _layouts/default.html before the closing body tag.

{% include new-window-fix.html %}

Add external site to menu

There isn’t a clear way to add an external link to the menu as discussed on navigation external links.

This comment shows a quick fix to add the external link to _includes/header.html. In the past I had my Linkedin profile on the top menu using this:

<div class="trigger">
  {%- for path in page_paths -%}
    {%- assign my_page = site.pages | where: "path", path | first -%}
    {%- if my_page.title -%}
    <a class="page-link" href="{{ my_page.url | relative_url }}">{{ my_page.title | escape }}</a>
    <a class="page-link" href="">Linkedin</a>
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}

The header_pages has to be enabled in _config.yml for the menu to show. I have an about page here:


However after a future migration, this stopped working, I ended up removing the liquid for loop, and added the links inside the div tag.

<div class="trigger">
        <a class="page-link" href="/about.html">About</a>
        <a class="page-link" href="/work.html">Projects</a>
        <a class="page-link" href="{{ my_page.url | relative_url }}">{{ my_page.title | escape }}</a>
        <a class="page-link" href="">Learning</a>
        <a class="page-link" href="">Reading</a>