This is a tutorial to extract data from the Google Maps API using Python.

Get a Google Maps API key

As shown in get API key.

Go to the GCP dashboard:

  • APIs & Services
  • Then Credentials
  • Click on Create Credentials
  • Then API key

Enable a Google Maps API service

  • Go to the Menu
  • Scroll down to Google Maps
  • Then APIs
  • Click Places API
  • Click Enable

These are all available API services:

Places API
Maps SDK for Android
Directions API
Distance Matrix API
Maps Elevation API
Maps Embed API
Geocoding API
Geolocation API
Maps JavaScript API
Roads API
Maps SDK for iOS
Time Zone API
Maps Static API
Street View Static API

API Key > Settings > Application Restrictions

Without restrictions the API key created has a warning icon.

Edit the Settings for the API key.

Edit the name. For example: Google Maps Places API Key

Then Application Restrictions controls which websites or IP addresses or applications can use the API key. You can only choose one of:

  • None: for testing purposes only.
  • HTTP websites:for API clients that run on a web browser. These types of applications expose the API publicly. Use a service account as shown here.
  • IP addresses: web servers, cron jobs, etc.
  • Android apps
  • iOS apps

Google Maps API key best practices

More about this in API key best practices, more best practices, and API key restrictions

One of the best practices says:

You may use an unrestricted API with the Google Maps API. However, it is recommended to restrict the API keys in the following scenarios:

  • The test environment is public
  • The applications that uses the API key is ready to be used in production.

Not sure if this is recommended. I am only going to pull data from a local test environment. I could set it to None. For now I set it to IP addresses and entered my public IP address.

API Key > Settings > API restrictions

As shown in API restrictions, it says that all API keys used in production should use API restrictions.

The API restrictions specify the enabled APIs that can be called:

  • Don’t restrict the key
  • Restrict the key

First I am going to test finding a place.

Select Restrict the key and from the drop down choose Places API

Then click Save.

The API key now has a green check mark.

These are all the API restrictions options:

BigQuery API
BigQuery Storage API
Cloud Datastore API
Cloud Debugger API
Cloud Logging API
Cloud Monitoring API
Cloud SQL
Cloud Storage
Cloud Trace API
Google Cloud APIs
Google Cloud Storage JSON API
Places API
Service Management API
Service Usage API

Google Maps Places API

More about the Places API here

Each service uses an HTTP request and returns JSON. The services use a place_id to uniquely identify a place. This is important to review duplicates later.

Find the Place ID of a place here


As shown on the docs, Places API lets you search for place information using categories, establishments, points of interest, and geographic locations. Search by proximity or by string. It returns a list of places along with summary information.

Types of Requests

  • Find Place
  • Nearby Search
  • Text Search

Find Place requests

Input is a text. Output is a place. Input can be a name, address, or phone number. It cannot be a lat/long number. The request must be a string. The URL has this form:

Required parameters

  • key: Your API key
  • input: A string that can be a name, address, or phone number.
  • inputtype: Use textquery or phonenumber.

Example, using Google Maps Python client library. I will explain the setup later:

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA", input_type="textquery")
>>> place
{'candidates': [{'place_id': 'ChIJtYuu0V25j4ARwu5e4wwRYgE'}], 'status': 'OK'}

Other parameters

  • language: For example English language="en".
  • locationbias: Find a specific area by using a radius and lat/long. If this is not used, the API uses IP address.
  • fields: Types of data to return.


Language codes.


Use like this:


For example. Search for steakhouse within 2000 meters of Google’s HQ office.,formatted_address,name,opening_hours,rating&locationbias=circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804&key=YOUR_API_KEY


More in the official docs

This is where it gets interesting…Billing.

Types of Fields:

  • Basic: business_status, formatted_address, geometry, icon,name, permanently_closed, photos, place_id, plus_code, types
  • Contact: opening_hours
  • Atmosphere: price_level, rating, user_ratings_total

Some services don’t allow to specify a type of field and different billing charges apply if one of them is triggered.

A way to test this is looking at the response and see if it contains a field for one of these types.

Example using Google Maps API Python client library:

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="stakehouse", input_type="textquery", location_bias="circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804", language="en")

>>> place
{'candidates': [{'place_id': 'ChIJsUEYn56wj4ARMg1qK1EVHyw'}], 'status': 'OK'}

It doesn’t return much. Let’s use Basic fields

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="stakehouse", input_type="textquery", fields=["name", "formatted_address", "business_status", "geometry", "photos", "types"], location_bias="circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804", language="en")

>>> place
{'candidates': [{'business_status': 'CLOSED_TEMPORARILY', 'formatted_address': '545 San Antonio Rd Suite 31, Mountain View, CA 94040, United States', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4032079, 'lng': -122.1118804}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.40471237989271, 'lng': -122.1105114701073}, 'southwest': {'lat': 37.40201272010727, 'lng': -12.1132111298927}}}, 'name': "Paul Martin's America Mountain View", 'photos': [{'height': 4048, 'html_attributions': ['<a href="">Casey DuBose</a>'], 'photo_reference': 'CmRaAAAAit6MjPA4tMxwkAx61ZquIzBYndTl5zAcCV-bjUPhl0dm0S3giXjEANdqAvxvxsJvCehIChMcOCPVJwxIzHAQWW9Igv01P_R-gilhmU52I0MSRgBgWXh4g5N7wRQDPQKEhC2y0uoOD03_XFjS6o7xi0UGhTiLFIHq8rbIF68PRZaCoEjumKy_Q', 'width': 3036}], 'types': ['restaurant', 'food', 'point_of_interest', 'establishment']}], 'status': 'OK'}

Let’s confirm by searching for Paul Martin's America Mountain View:

  • Restaurant
  • Temporarily closed
  • 545 San Antonio Rd Suite 31, Mountain View, CA 94040
  • 10 min drive, 3.1 miles from Google’s office.
  • 4.2 stars (628 reviews)
  • $$$

Let’s use the Contact (opening_hours) and Atmosphere (price_level, rating, user_ratings_total) fields to see if we get the same data:

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="stakehouse", input_type="textquery", fields=["name", "formatted_address", "business_status", "geometry", "photos", "types", "opening_hours", "price_level", "rating", "user_ratings_total"], location_bias="circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804", language="en")

>>> place
{'candidates': [{'business_status': 'CLOSED_TEMPORARILY', 'formatted_address': '545 San Antonio Rd Suite 31, Mountain View, CA 94040, United States', 'geometry': {'location' {'lat': 37.4032079, 'lng': -122.1118804}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.40471237989271, 'lng': -122.1105114701073}, 'southwest': {'lat': 37.40201272010727, 'lng': -12.1132111298927}}}, 'name': "Paul Martin's America Mountain View", 'photos': [{'height': 4048, 'html_attributions': ['<a href="">Casey DuBose</a>'], 'photo_reference': 'CmRaAAAAAUrcGJCnapLA_JhEgpZqkZy4f_B7a_jCCGESU-WWMBi50Q8ILEV818OWisSjzvBzfHA_WtdDn_45BLmrtZV5KSsrPNpxpH6mb47NSp56qzeazy9TSUje4I6ZMT4A7BIEhCJ2IM68_GY0kwK4w1IttDpGhRU3BWNHXrsBJnv2oPseqsUAyElUA', 'width': 3036}], 'price_level': 3, 'rating': 4.2, 'types': ['restaurant', 'food', 'point_of_interest' 'establishment'], 'user_ratings_total': 628}], 'status': 'OK'}

Nearby Search Requests

Search within a specific area. Details in Google Maps Docs.

The warning on the Doc says

  • It returns all available data fields
  • You will be billed if it triggers types of fields (basic, contact, atmosphere)
  • You can’t constraint to return only specific fields
  • To keep from paying data you don’t need. Then use Find Place Requests

I used this service and it triggers all types of fields. You will be billed for every SKU. More about billing later.

The URL has this form:

Required Parameters

  • key
  • location: Specified as latitude,longitude
  • radius: Defined in meters with a max of 50,000 (31 miles)

Optional Parameters

  • keyword: Matching all content that Google indexed for this place (name, address, type, customer reviews)
  • language: Same as before. See Language codes.
  • rankyby: Use distance and one or more of keyword or language, to rank in ascending order from specified location
  • type: See location type
  • pagetoken: Returns up to 20 results from a previous search

Example, using Google Maps Python client library:

>>> place = gmaps.places_nearby(location=(37.4222339,-122.0854804), radius=5000, keyword="startup", language="en")

>>> place
{'html_attributions': [], 'results': [], 'status': 'ZERO_RESULTS'}

>>> place = gmaps.places_nearby(location=(37.4222339,-122.0854804), radius=10000, keyword="startup", language="en")

>>> place
{'html_attributions': [], 'next_page_token': 'CqQCGQEAALespF2ND-o3SI0I5SZR267A4XxtZ4LDBCBCG8SJ_IRp9ttbncIziuYJtpUNuP3pPan80VgualTqejpOwMQyHVIIKNv7MKqdJTBwVpbb6SOoSjskx6yDgaB
AoCfFDFtGp66i3LlQlwQ2Vdraen-NyxoMOLKonL4YfSYst-6kyFzzCIy_Cr-w6VKCCoGJmPxLR07fjZoiE-c6pCfqepxIQC67lM0MvZV-sSAKkgp8eQRoUnTTz_OZwMEsZqsG7PzWFuQffv7Y', 'results': [{'business_st
tus': 'OPERATIONAL', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4522222, 'lng': -122.1661111}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.45368197989271, 'lng': -122.1650791201073}, 'sou
hwest': {'lat': 37.45098232010727, 'lng': -122.1677787798927}}}, 'icon': '', 'id': '83aa3dba2f9f4aeb
b49ed92f74abe010398f16a', 'name': 'BootUp Ventures: Startup Ecosystem Co-Working, Office Suites & Event Space', 'opening_hours': {'open_now': False}, 'photos': [{'height': 1
24, 'html_attributions': ['<a href="">Boost Ventures</a>'], 'photo_reference': 'CmRaAAAAVHi9Mc5N4rwtg7oSunQr545R18P
sgHgh92ODUQ4pL_Sc_s6nhBkk4_xK027AdctQEofpwVFlpTTkM2Bs-URTUqISKYOZqWBFgupe7NDTUSb68oC32Y8AV5x5iUbh65OEhAO71DTWNwWYDK2X04iPiaMGhTPZrlZvJcTN38b7lcMAXhOMevL5g', 'width': 2152}],
'place_id': 'ChIJS7Ac0Qu7j4ARkgnXFqygEM8', 'plus_code': {'compound_code': 'FR2M+VH Menlo Park, California', 'global_code': '849VFR2M+VH'}, 'rating': 4.8, 'reference': 'ChIJS
Ac0Qu7j4ARkgnXFqygEM8', 'scope': 'GOOGLE', 'types': ['point_of_interest', 'establishment'], 'user_ratings_total': 63, 'vicinity': '68 Willow Rd, Menlo Park'}, {'business_sta
us': 'OPERATIONAL', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.458447, 'lng': -122.1729745}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.45983937989272, 'lng': -122.1715244701073}, 'south
est': {'lat': 37.45713972010728, 'lng': -122.1742241298927}}}, 'icon': '', 'id': '1a4337e0ce2b385bb9
05778fbc45fb6a0daba2c', 'name': 'Startup Capital Ventures', '

>>> [item['name'] for item in place['results']]
['BootUp Ventures: Startup Ecosystem Co-Working, Office Suites & Event Space', 'Startup Capital Ventures', 'Startup Rabbit', 'Cab Startup', 'Startup Launchpad, Inc', 'BootUpWorld', 'Startup Realty', 'Plug and Play Tech Center', 'Mercury', 'Palo-Alto Startup House', 'Bay Area Startups Services, Inc', 'Nuro', 'The Hive', 'Starship Technologies', EquityBee', 'Fyde', 'HelloStartups', 'sFoundation Inc.', 'Y Combinator', 'Osaka Innovation Hub Silicon Valley Office']

Text Search Requests

Returns information for a set of places based on a string. Details in Google Maps Docs. For example startups in Mountain View. The service is used for ambiguous address queries. More in Geocoding addresses best practices.

Other examples:

  • Incomplete addresses
  • Poorly formatted addresses
  • Non-address components like business names

The warning on the Doc says

  • It returns all available data fields
  • You will be billed if it triggers types of fields (basic, contact, atmosphere)
  • You can’t constraint to return only specific fields
  • To keep from paying data you don’t need. Then use Find Place Requests

The URL has this form:

Required Parameters

  • key
  • query: Search string. This parameter becomes optional when you use type

Optional Parameters

  • region: Country code top level domain. Wikipedia
  • location: A latitude,longitude. You must use radius
  • radius: Distance in meters, 50,000 max (31 miles)
  • language For example language="en"
  • pagetoken: Used to fetch the next page.
  • type: Restrict to a type of place as seen in supported types

Geocoding Request

You can use these two services:

  • Geocoding to convert an address to latitude,longitude.
  • Reverse Geocoding to find the address from lat/long or from place_id

More details in the Geocoding API

Here is the URL example:,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY

Using the Google Maps API Python client library:

>>> place = gmaps.geocode(address="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA")

googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError: REQUEST_DENIED (This API project is not authorized to use this API.)

Mmm. What happened? I didn’t enable the Geocode API or create a Key for this service.

Enable Geocoding API

  • Go to GCP
  • Menu > Google Maps > APIs
  • Click Geocoding API (Billing: $5/1K requests 0-100K req/mo)
  • Click Enable

Create a Geocoding API Key

Create a different API key for this service as seen on API key best practices

  • Go to GCP
  • Menu > APIs & Services > Credentials
  • Create Credentials > API key
  • A message says API key created
  • Click on Restrict Key
  • Change name to Google Maps Geocoding API key
  • Choose an Application Restriction
  • For API restrictions change to Restrict key and select Geocoding API
  • Click Save

Try again. I will explain the setup later:

>>> place = gmaps_geo.geocode(address="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA")

>>> place
[{'access_points': [{'access_point_type': 'TYPE_SEGMENT', 'location': {'latitude': 37.4213102, 'longitude': -122.0852443}, 'location_on_segment': {'latitude': 37.4212816, 'lngitude': -122.0852472}, 'place_id': 'ChIJpdYZQgK6j4ARnmfrthhmnZ8', 'segment_position': 0.5404474139213562, 'unsuitable_travel_modes': []}], 'address_components': [{'long_nae': '1600', 'short_name': '1600', 'types': ['street_number']}, {'long_name': 'Amphitheatre Parkway', 'short_name': 'Amphitheatre Pkwy', 'types': ['route']}, {'long_name': 'Muntain View', 'short_name': 'Mountain View', 'types': ['locality', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'Santa Clara County', 'short_name': 'Santa Clara County', 'types': ['administative_area_level_2', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'California', 'short_name': 'CA', 'types': ['administrative_area_level_1', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'United States', 'sort_name': 'US', 'types': ['country', 'political']}, {'long_name': '94043', 'short_name': '94043', 'types': ['postal_code']}], 'formatted_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, ountain View, CA 94043, USA', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4223105, 'lng': -122.0846329}, 'location_type': 'ROOFTOP', 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.423659480295, 'lng': -122.0832839197085}, 'southwest': {'lat': 37.42096151970851, 'lng': -122.0859818802915}}}, 'place_id': 'ChIJtYuu0V25j4ARwu5e4wwRYgE', 'plus_code': {'compound_code' 'CWC8+W4 Mountain View, CA, United States', 'global_code': '849VCWC8+W4'}, 'types': ['street_address']}]

Python client library or http.client or requests

You can use any of these options:

  • Google Maps has a Python client library. Github
  • http.client is a Python native library, part of the urllib.request module. Python docs
  • requests is a Python external library. Readthedocs

A quick search of requests vs http.client shows Why is Python 3 http.client so much faster than python-requests?. An answer says that http.client is at a lower level on the stack, while requests can be slower because it adds other features. Stackoverflow.

Another more popular query was requests vs urllib, which shows this question: What are the differences between the urllib, urllib2, urllib3 and requests module?. The answer with the most votes recommends to use requests for its simplicity and added features.

The Google Maps Python client library requires requests upon installation. I think that this library might be just a wrapper for requests.

Google Maps API with Google Maps Python client library



$ pip install -U googlemaps --user

Output of installation was:

Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: requests<3.0,>=2.20.0 in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from googlemaps) (2.22.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests<3.0,>=2.20.0->googlemaps) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests<3.0,>=2.20.0->googlemaps) (2.8)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests<3.0,>=2.20.0->googlemaps) (1.25.7)
Installing collected packages: googlemaps
 Running install for googlemaps ... done
Successfully installed googlemaps-4.4.1

Docs on the Python shell:

>>> help(googlemaps)

Setup code:

>>> import googlemaps
>>> gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='YOUR KEY')

Search for a stakehouse near Google’s office:

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="stakehouse", input_type="textquery", location_bias="circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804", language="en")

>>> place
{'candidates': [{'place_id': 'ChIJsUEYn56wj4ARMg1qK1EVHyw'}], 'status': 'OK'}

It doesn’t return much. Let’s use Basic fields

>>> place = gmaps.find_place(input="stakehouse", input_type="textquery", fields=["name", "formatted_address", "business_status", "geometry", "photos", "types"], location_bias="circle:2000@37.4222339,-122.0854804", language="en")

>>> place
{'candidates': [{'business_status': 'CLOSED_TEMPORARILY', 'formatted_address': '545 San Antonio Rd Suite 31, Mountain View, CA 94040, United States', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4032079, 'lng': -122.1118804}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.40471237989271, 'lng': -122.1105114701073}, 'southwest': {'lat': 37.40201272010727, 'lng': -12.1132111298927}}}, 'name': "Paul Martin's America Mountain View", 'photos': [{'height': 4048, 'html_attributions': ['<a href="">Casey DuBose</a>'], 'photo_reference': 'CmRaAAAAit6MjPA4tMxwkAx61ZquIzBYndTl5zAcCV-bjUPhl0dm0S3giXjEANdqAvxvxsJvCehIChMcOCPVJwxIzHAQWW9Igv01P_R-gilhmU52I0MSRgBgWXh4g5N7wRQDPQKEhC2y0uoOD03_XFjS6o7xi0UGhTiLFIHq8rbIF68PRZaCoEjumKy_Q', 'width': 3036}], 'types': ['restaurant', 'food', 'point_of_interest', 'establishment']}], 'status': 'OK'}

Search for anything that contains startup near Google’s office within 5,000 meters:

>>> place = gmaps.places_nearby(location=(37.4222339,-122.0854804), radius=5000, keyword="startup", language="en")

>>> place
{'html_attributions': [], 'results': [], 'status': 'ZERO_RESULTS'}

No results. Let’s try again within 10,000 meters (Max is 50,000)

>>> place = gmaps.places_nearby(location=(37.4222339,-122.0854804), radius=10000, keyword="startup", language="en")

>>> place
{'html_attributions': [], 'next_page_token': 'CqQCGQEAALespF2ND-o3SI0I5SZR267A4XxtZ4LDBCBCG8SJ_IRp9ttbncIziuYJtpUNuP3pPan80VgualTqejpOwMQyHVIIKNv7MKqdJTBwVpbb6SOoSjskx6yDgaB
AoCfFDFtGp66i3LlQlwQ2Vdraen-NyxoMOLKonL4YfSYst-6kyFzzCIy_Cr-w6VKCCoGJmPxLR07fjZoiE-c6pCfqepxIQC67lM0MvZV-sSAKkgp8eQRoUnTTz_OZwMEsZqsG7PzWFuQffv7Y', 'results': [{'business_st
tus': 'OPERATIONAL', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4522222, 'lng': -122.1661111}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.45368197989271, 'lng': -122.1650791201073}, 'sou
hwest': {'lat': 37.45098232010727, 'lng': -122.1677787798927}}}, 'icon': '', 'id': '83aa3dba2f9f4aeb
b49ed92f74abe010398f16a', 'name': 'BootUp Ventures: Startup Ecosystem Co-Working, Office Suites & Event Space', 'opening_hours': {'open_now': False}, 'photos': [{'height': 1
24, 'html_attributions': ['<a href="">Boost Ventures</a>'], 'photo_reference': 'CmRaAAAAVHi9Mc5N4rwtg7oSunQr545R18P
sgHgh92ODUQ4pL_Sc_s6nhBkk4_xK027AdctQEofpwVFlpTTkM2Bs-URTUqISKYOZqWBFgupe7NDTUSb68oC32Y8AV5x5iUbh65OEhAO71DTWNwWYDK2X04iPiaMGhTPZrlZvJcTN38b7lcMAXhOMevL5g', 'width': 2152}],
'place_id': 'ChIJS7Ac0Qu7j4ARkgnXFqygEM8', 'plus_code': {'compound_code': 'FR2M+VH Menlo Park, California', 'global_code': '849VFR2M+VH'}, 'rating': 4.8, 'reference': 'ChIJS
Ac0Qu7j4ARkgnXFqygEM8', 'scope': 'GOOGLE', 'types': ['point_of_interest', 'establishment'], 'user_ratings_total': 63, 'vicinity': '68 Willow Rd, Menlo Park'}, {'business_sta
us': 'OPERATIONAL', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.458447, 'lng': -122.1729745}, 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.45983937989272, 'lng': -122.1715244701073}, 'south
est': {'lat': 37.45713972010728, 'lng': -122.1742241298927}}}, 'icon': '', 'id': '1a4337e0ce2b385bb9
05778fbc45fb6a0daba2c', 'name': 'Startup Capital Ventures', '

>>> [item['name'] for item in place['results']]
['BootUp Ventures: Startup Ecosystem Co-Working, Office Suites & Event Space', 'Startup Capital Ventures', 'Startup Rabbit', 'Cab Startup', 'Startup Launchpad, Inc', 'BootUpWorld', 'Startup Realty', 'Plug and Play Tech Center', 'Mercury', 'Palo-Alto Startup House', 'Bay Area Startups Services, Inc', 'Nuro', 'The Hive', 'Starship Technologies', EquityBee', 'Fyde', 'HelloStartups', 'sFoundation Inc.', 'Y Combinator', 'Osaka Innovation Hub Silicon Valley Office']

Find the lat,long of Google’s office:

>>> gmaps_geo = googlemaps.Client(key='YOUR GEOCODING KEY')
>>> place = gmaps_geo.geocode(address="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA")

>>> place
[{'access_points': [{'access_point_type': 'TYPE_SEGMENT', 'location': {'latitude': 37.4213102, 'longitude': -122.0852443}, 'location_on_segment': {'latitude': 37.4212816, 'lngitude': -122.0852472}, 'place_id': 'ChIJpdYZQgK6j4ARnmfrthhmnZ8', 'segment_position': 0.5404474139213562, 'unsuitable_travel_modes': []}], 'address_components': [{'long_nae': '1600', 'short_name': '1600', 'types': ['street_number']}, {'long_name': 'Amphitheatre Parkway', 'short_name': 'Amphitheatre Pkwy', 'types': ['route']}, {'long_name': 'Muntain View', 'short_name': 'Mountain View', 'types': ['locality', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'Santa Clara County', 'short_name': 'Santa Clara County', 'types': ['administative_area_level_2', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'California', 'short_name': 'CA', 'types': ['administrative_area_level_1', 'political']}, {'long_name': 'United States', 'sort_name': 'US', 'types': ['country', 'political']}, {'long_name': '94043', 'short_name': '94043', 'types': ['postal_code']}], 'formatted_address': '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, ountain View, CA 94043, USA', 'geometry': {'location': {'lat': 37.4223105, 'lng': -122.0846329}, 'location_type': 'ROOFTOP', 'viewport': {'northeast': {'lat': 37.423659480295, 'lng': -122.0832839197085}, 'southwest': {'lat': 37.42096151970851, 'lng': -122.0859818802915}}}, 'place_id': 'ChIJtYuu0V25j4ARwu5e4wwRYgE', 'plus_code': {'compound_code' 'CWC8+W4 Mountain View, CA, United States', 'global_code': '849VCWC8+W4'}, 'types': ['street_address']}]

Ask me anything on Linkedin