Learn touch typing with the Z-type game and become ultra-focused. This is a great skill to have if you are learning Linux or a programming language.

Learn touch typing with 8 fingers to get ultra focused. The left hand is placed on the letters ASDF. The right hand is placed on the letters JKL;

In the beginning you have to memorize the keyboard. But you always place your hands on the home row, the middle of the keyboard on the keys mentioned above.

Every keyboard in the universe is built with 2 dents. F for the left index and J for the right index.

To improve your touch typing skills I recommend playing a game called Z-Type.

Which is like space invaders but instead of martians you get words.

You have to type the words as fast as you can.

In the beginning you have to memorize the keyboard, looking down. But eventually if you practice a lot. Say 1hr every day for a month. You will realize that you never have to look at the keyboard ever again.