This is a sourcing trick that helps you in Linkedin recruiter.

This script comes from Getting Started in Custom Programming for Sourcing Purposes” from the 1st programmers track session ever at SourceCon in Austin in Sept 2017.

This is a presentation by my friends Glenn and Kameron. Where they explain how to use Javascript bookmarklets to improve the Linkedin recruiter experience.

  • Chrome
  • Bookmark manager
  • Add boomark
  • For name enter the title
  • For URL enter the code

Linkedin JS Project List View

Go to a Linkedin recruiter project. It shows pagination with 10 results per page.

The original URL might have this format, followed by a number id:

To convert to a longer list. Use this bookmarklet.

{var loc=location.href;loc=loc.replace('','');loc=loc+'?max=500';location.replace(loc)})()

The output URL will change to this:

The Javascript bookmarklet will find and replace a piece of the URL and add a number of results.

It will find and replace with Then at the end add ?max=500.

You can modify the number of results if you have a project with more than 500 profiles. For instance if you have a project with 567 profiles. You can modify to ?max=567

Troubleshooting the bookmarklet

What if this doesn’t work?

It’s possible your “input URL” is different.

For the bookmarklet above we are assuming the input URL is:

But what if the URL is something like:

Or what if it has parameters at the end:


Then the bookmarklet won’t work and you need to modify it.

If it is just a different URL you can make the change here:

loc.replace('YOUR INPUT URL','')

If the Input URL has a question mark at the end with parameters:


Then you need to use a regular expression to remove that part of the URL:


You don’t have to understand this too much. But this means: find a question mark, then at least 1 or more (any) character after. And replace with nothing.

Here is a modified bookmarklet if your input URL has ? question mark parameters.


Linkedin JS Results 250

This is a bookmarklet that might not work anymore. I remember the “list view” having a restriction of showing only up to 250 results and then paginating more results.

I am leaving this here for reference:

javascript: (function()
{var loc = location.href;loc = loc.replace('&page=1&start=0&count=25', '&page=1&start=0');loc = loc + '&count=250';location.replace(loc) })()